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Why Block-It?

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Block-it Pocket products are specifically designed to protect your Health and Privacy.

In a wireless world, we strongly believe that you should have a choice to regulate the potential hazards associated with wireless technologies.

Made in America, by Americans, with a commitment to quality. Block-it Pocket will continue to bring you products and information to help protect you and your family.

If you travel by plane frequently or often find yourself taking your cell phone or tablet out of the house, you might be wondering how to stop wireless spies. This is a legitimate concern that deserves to be addressed! We make wireless radiation barrier sleeves that will protect your sensitive data, photographs, and other documents from theft. You can read about how our products function on this site. If you have questions about the importance of blocking cell phone radiation, contact our office. Someone in our customer service department will be happy to provide you with the assistance you need. We believe that everyone ought to know how critical it is to block cell phone radiation as often as possible.
Because we value your PRIVACY and LIBERTY!
The fact is, virtually ANYONE can track your every movement!
With a little know how, your movement, texts, phone calls and email can all be accessed.
But only if there is a signal available...
This is one of the key reasons why we've created the Block-it Pocket™ line of products.

Because harmful wireless radiation is REAL!
Radiation from mobile phones and wireless devices have been scientifically proven to cause changes in cell structure, which can pose great risks to health, an authoritative two-year study has concluded.

In ground-breaking research on the effects of radiation on the brain - which has for the first time used human cells rather than rats - scientists found that even low-level emissions from handsets adversely affect cells.

They believe these changes could disable a safety barrier in the body which is meant to protect the brain from harmful substances in the blood. Young children are significantly more susceptible to these effects! These scientists are now calling for further research to discover how important the effects on human health can be. more here
Made in the USA, with a 100% Money Back Guarantee!
We are proud of the products we have developed and we know you will be satisfied too. If for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the quality and performance of any of our Block-it Pocket products, simply return it within 30 days for a full refund - no questions asked.

Block-It Pocket has helped thousands of customers protect their HEALTH and PRIVACY. We encourage you to consider how we can help you and your family.
Block-It Pocket NEWS/BLOG
Learn everything you need to know about the current surveillance and Harmful Radiation associated with wireless, and how to protect your HEALTH, PRIVACY and LIBERTY!
Be sure and check in daily at the Block-it NEWS/BLOG

Subscribe to our Blog where we will be posting the latest related news that will help you stay informed and ahead of the curve.

We actually care about you, and will be providing everything we can to keep you informed and help you and your family stay Safe, Healthy and Free.

Please feel free to share with us your questions and concerns about the unhealthy effects on our health and invasion of our privacy through wireless technologies.
Contact us and together we can build a network of innovators and activists to help each other protect our rights.

Also, please be sure to join our Facebook and Twitter pages. We will be posting helpful information that we believe will help you and your family develop an awareness that can lead to all of us living in a healthier, free society.
Thank you,
The Blockit Pocket Family

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